The Impossibility of Cyber Attribution
Important to remember that long before today's Russia's hacking hysteria — when so many people in America are 100% sure that Russia tampered with the 2018 election and pulled off a cyber coup to install Trump as President, despite a continued lack of evidence — cyber security contractors would routinely admit the near-impossobility of cyber attack attribution.
Here's Symantec's Eric Chien talking about the Stuxnet virus unleashed by a joint op headed by the NSA and Israel's Unit 8200. Clip comes from Alex Gibney's Zero Days, a great doc about the world's most notorious cyber attack.
—Yasha LevineOn the impossibility of cyber attribution. (Symantec's Eric Chien talking about Stuxnet in Alex Gibney's "Zero Days.")
— Yasha Levine (@yashalevine) July 21, 2017