The New Yorker endorses Surveillance Valley: "Contentious…forceful…salutary"
The New Yorker reviewed Surveillance Valley in its April 9, 2018 Issue. The verdict? It's all…

Surveillance Valley on shortlist for British Army's Book of the Year
Got some nice professional news: just found out that the UK edition of Surveillance Valley is on…

Surveillance Valley @ Edinburgh Book Festival
On August 21, I presented the UK edition of Surveillance Valley at the Edinburgh Book Festival to a…

Surveillance Vally invades Russia: "Интернет как оружие"
Great news: the Russian-language edition of Surveillance Valley is hitting shelves this September…

Surveillance Valley at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
I'm going be talking about Surveillance Valley at the Edinburgh Book Festival on August 21, 2019…

Facebook as an American geopolitical weapon
When Facebook unilaterally censored Maffick simply because the social media-geared company is…

Don’t trust Surveillance Valley. Its author is of “Russian extraction.” —The Guardian
A friendly reminder from the Guardian: You shouldn’t read or trust anything I publish — that espe…

Books I like — Geographical Magazine
Geographical magazine. February 2019 The good people at Geographical Magazine reviewed the UK…

No, you're wrong. The internet was always intended to spy on us.
Yes, it was. The Spectator just ran a review of Surveillance Valley that tried to debunk my book…

Review: All About History gives Surveillance Valley 5/5 stars
Surveillance Valley's UK edition got a spot in "All About History" magazine — and a gl…

Interview: Talk Radio Europe
I talked Talk Radio Europe's Bill Padley about the UK release of Surveillance Valley:

Surveillance Valley goes on sale in UK
New country, new cover: Surveillance Valley goes on sale in the UK today — January 3, 2019. P…

Salon names Surveillance Valley one of the best tech books of 2018
“Google employees rightfully balked recently when they found out their employer had a number of d…

The Guardian readies UK for Surveillance Valley release
The Guardian just published an excerpt from Surveillance Valley in its "long read"…

It's a drag to be right so often
The New York Times published a great, long investigation into how our smartphone apps spy on us…

Pistachio Wars: The Back Story
Farmers are the key to power in California. They own the water. They own the land. Last week,…

Talk: The Internet was a weapon from day one
In September I did a talk at #FIfFKon18 in Berlin about the history of the Internet as a weapon. …