Surveillance Valley success...and a new fundraising goal: help fund a chapter on Russia!

Surveillance Valley is fully funded, almost a week ahead of schedule! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!

Your generous support is proof of the level of interest in Surveillance Valley — not just to people here in the States, but also to folks all over the world: Russia, Canada, Ireland, the Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Sweden, Germany, Greece…the list goes on and on.

$15,000 means I’m able to fully fund the additional reporting I need to do in Silicon Valley and in other parts of the US — and also to actually publish and distribute the book.

But with Surveillance Valley now fully funded and six days still left on the clock, I’ve decided to up the ante by expanding the project and setting a stretch goal of $20,000. If we reach the new goal, I’ll be able to add a new chapter to the book, widening its scope to beyond Silicon Valley.

Specifically, the new goal will…

  • Help fund a new chapter of Surveillance Valley about Russia and the coming Internet Cold War. Whether we like it or not, a dangerous conflict is brewing between America and Russia — and the Internet is shaping up to be a major part of this geopolitical struggle. This new chapter will investigate Russia’s domestic corporate and government surveillance operations. It will also look at how the U.S. sees the Internet and modern information networks as a valuable resource for which it is ready to fight. Above all else, I want to travel to Russia to interview key figures in that country’s surveillance industry, and also its opponents. I have reported extensively from Russia and the former Soviet Union, and have many contacts there — this extra budget will go a very long way.

I hope that you'll consider spreading the word and telling your friends about this project, or maybe even increasing your own contribution.

I’ve been truly humbled by the support and generosity of so many people, and I want to thank you one more time for your support and your trust. It gives me hope that real independent investigative journalism still has a future.

Again, thank you. Surveillance Valley would never have been possible without your help.

—Yasha Levine

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