Interview on This Is Hell: The DNC Russian Hack Story
I dialed into Chuck Mertz's great radio show, This Is Hell, to talk about my Baffler Magazine…
Interview on TYT: Russian Hacks and Politicized Cyber Attribution
Michael Tracy interviews me for TYT about my investigation for the Baffler on the inflated history…
Cyber Scammers: Russia, Hacking, Elections and Cyber Attribution
The Baffler just posted my long investigation into the politicized, con-infested cyber-attribution…
Encryption is not journalism
Seems not a day goes by that I don't hear someone try to sell encryption as some kind of panacea…
The Editing Continues (In the Cold)!
Ice Fishers of Leningrad Time for another irregularly scheduled Kickstarter update! I've been…
I talk about the cult of crypto and protest culture on Doug Henwood's "Behind the News"
Listen to me talk about CIA-funded crypto culture and the strange politics that underpin it on Doug…
#J20, Signal, spies and the cult of crypto
I'm hearing from concerned activists taking part in the #J20 anti-Trump protests next week that…
Don't believe the privacy experts, spy-funded encryption is not politics
Since I'm perhaps the only journalist in the world digging into this, I feel it is my duty to…
On Blacklists and Russia 'Hacking' American Democracy
Where's the evidence? So much effort has been thrown at implicating the Russians in some way and…