New Year's Update: Internet Freedom and PublicAffairs
3d printed Snowden at 32c3 Been a while since my last Kickstarter supporter update. So now I have…
Read Spanish? Then check out this interview with me on Surveillance Valley
Read Spanish? Then check out this interview with me in "Ni a Palos" — a paper out of Bu…
BLASTOFF! Surveillance Valley is a success!
The campaign finished with an explosive 125% of the goal met. A huge thank you to everyone who…
Yasha Levine on RT to talk about US spies funding Internet privacy activists
Yasha Levine talks to RT's Anissa Naouai about how U.S. military and intelligence agencies are…
Surveillance Valley on Naked Capitalism!
Naked Capitalism, the best and smartest finance web mag in the world, endorses Surveillance Valley.…